The aim of the Cluster Approach is to ensure coherent and effective response through the mobilization of Government agencies, International Organizations, UN Agencies, Programmes and Funds, and NGOs to respond in a strategic manner across all key clusters or areas of activity.
As per guidelines from the Global Cluster, the WASH Cluster covers the following areas of responsibility: i. Hygiene promotion ii. Water Supply iii. Excreta Disposaliv iv.Vector Control v. Solid Waste Management vi. Drainage.
The SPHERE project will provide guidance to ensure the minimum level of service to be guaranteed during an emergency.
The WASH cluster work plan has been formulated into five strategic areas, covering outstanding capacity gaps identified by the WASH Cluster Working Group. The five strategic areas where increased capacity is required are: 1. Effective WASH Sector Coordination; 2. Effective and Efficient Information Management and Standards for WASH Humanitarian Response; 3. Increasing WASH Sector Capacity for Humanitarian Response; 4. WASH Sector Preparedness and Response; 5. WASH Sector Best Practice and Learning.