WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM

Dear WASH Partners,
I am directed to refer to the subject and to inform that the WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. WASH Cluster partners are requested to attend the cited meeting on the date, time & venue mentioned above. The same have been uploaded on the WASH Cluster Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA web page on pakresponse link:-
For WASH Cluster FATA/ KP tweets on twitter please
Us on
twitter @WASHCluster
Thanking you very much.

Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074

Who is doing What, When and Where (4W) for Jalozai Camp & FATA/KP IDPs

Subject: Who is doing What, When and Where (4W) for Jalozai Camp & FATA/KP IDPs

I am directed to forward herewith separate copies of the REVISED templates of the 4Ws Matrix on the subject noted above for your information & submission to WASH Cluster FATA/ KPK; WASH Cluster Activity document is also attached.

2). 4Ws replies should reach within the reporting period of:-

•Tuesday, 10 April, 2012 for Jalozai IDPs Camp;
•Tuesday, 17 April,2012 for rest of KP and FATA IDPs;

3). All WASH Cluster partners having Water, Sanitation & Hygiene activities in Jalozai Camp & KP/ FATA are requested to furnish the requisite 4Ws Matrices before the deadlines.

4). Copies of 4 Ws may be forwarded to WASH Cluster -Amjad Hussain (ssjr2@yahoo.co.uk).

Thanking you very much.



Amjad Hussain
Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074

Draft Minutes of 12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting

Draft Minutes of 12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting
12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP meeting was held in WatSan Cell/ LG & RDD in Peshawar on March 29th, 2012 at 1400 hours under the Co-chairmanship of Mr. Jamal Shah, WASH Cluster Coordinator FATA/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & Mr. Hikmat Sher, Design Engineer PHED FATA. The WASH Cluster Coordinator (WCC) welcomed the participants and said that WASH Cluster meeting was convened after a long time. After recitation from Holy Quran and brief introduction, agenda items were taken up for discussion;
Agenda Item 2: Update General
WASH Cluster Coordinator informed that as of the day before the total influx including Bara IDPs of displaced people was 21518 families in KP. He said that the registration point for IDPs was Jalozai Camp. He also said that it did not mean that IDPs were living in Jalozai Camp; IDPs has options either to stay in camp or go to other places of their choice. He further said that NFIs kit, food packets, hygiene kits & tents in camps were distributed amongst IDPs. He also informed that the total population of FATA & KP IDPs was 5, 60432 individuals or 1, 13907 families. He said that these figures highlight the important fact of the family size. He also said that if we divide these figures the family size come out to be 4.8. He further said & clarified that number of households may be 9 or 10 but actual family size is 4 to 5. He informed that we serve according to family size and hygiene kits were standardized according to family size.
Agenda Item 3: Update on Jalozai Influx
WASH Cluster Coordinator informed about the IDPs living in Jalozai Camp before the new influx were as: 1100 families from Bajour, 70- 80 families from Mohmand & the rest from previous displacements. He also said that 10, 796 families were registered & 400 to 500 people were getting registered daily. He concluded that these figures will increase. On the planning side he informed that the total new displacement could be 33000 families from Khyber Agency of which 12000 families may come to Jalozai Camp. UNICEF IPs was the sole WASH service providers in Jalozai. UNICEF so far provided 377 latrines, 187 wash rooms, 71 washing points, 118 water tanks and all the registered families provided with hygiene kits. Bob Bongomin Jr, WASH PM, ACF queried about gaps and plans. He was replied that funds limitations & exhaustion were the major gaps. About planning figures he told that 5000 Orakzai & 10000 Khyber IDPs were expected as shared by PDMA/FDMA in a workshop. He also said that UNICEF has funding for old case load for around 3-months. 12000 additional families was an issue and if any humanitarian agency (ies) has resources & capacity are welcomed to intervene in camps. He emphasized that if any agency has the capacity to distribute WASH NFIs in camps/ off-camps should come forward. About other camps he informed that in Togh Sarai 3638 families and in New Durrani camp 1050 families were residing and the situation is same as was. Apart from IDPs in camp in Kurram total IDPs were 45000 to 50000 including sectarian violence displaced he added. About IDPs in Tank, D.I.Khan, Kohat & Hangu he told that these IDPs are now there for the last 2 to 3 years. He informed that United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (SERF) funding was requested for these Off-camp IDPs. He also pointed out donor fatigue & mentioned that some of the Int'l NGOs were unable to get funds. He requested the forum to coordinate in the planning phase for response. Taking part in discussion CONCERN representative informed that working funds are available for Kurram Agency and are working in Swat & Kohistan. ICRC representative informed that they are working in Kohat but at present are without WASH activities. A query was made regarding IAERNA finalization; he was informed that up to 15-04-2012 it will be finalized.
Agenda Item 4: Emergency Preparedness for AWD outbreak
WASH Cluster Coordinator said that weather was getting warmer and till now we were facing Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreaks every year; Last year around 19 people died of AWD he added. He proposed emergency preparedness for AWD from May to August. He referred to PCRWR report on districts Nowshera & Charsadda & informed that high level of contamination was present in the water of these districts. He was proposing long term planning. On the part of Cluster he proposed trainings for line agencies. He requested the forum in the shape of provision of resource persons & other material help for trainings. On the trainings topics he was of the view that with water quality testing, chlorination and use of water purification tablets may be a good start. He also suggested an initial mapping exercise of NGO partners in red alert districts of KP/ FATA on basis of epidemiological data of previous years.
Action Points:
• NGOs having resource persons should contact WCC (jshah@unicef.org);
• NGOs having resources/ supplies as soaps/ aqua tabs etc should contact WCC (jshah@unicef.org);
• If NGOs do not have resources/ supplies still mention their presence in districts;
• WASH Cluster partners should fill the circulated template;
IRC representative mentioned that they can provide chlorine in Peshawar & Kohat.
Agenda Item 5: AoB
1. About NOC issues it was informed that OCHA was planning a detailed workshop in the 2nd week of April; interested partners should forward their names to WCC (jshah@unicef.org);
2. If any WASH Cluster partner(s) want to discuss an issue they can write to WCC without any hesitation;
3. Meetings should be outcome based.