Minutes and action points of the WASH cluster meeting held at UNICEF Islamabad on 28.01.2010
Following are the action points of the meeting.

1. Review of the decision of the previous meeting.

• Action points of the previous WASH cluster meeting of January 14, 2010 were reviewed, discussed and endorsed.

• Vulnerability Assessment criteria with input from partners was approved.

• MACRAM questionnaire was agreed to be circulated amongst the WASH partners for further input. However the questions should be in consonance with the scope and mandate of the MARAM exercise and it should not be confused with CERINA, DNA and PCNA....
2. Updates on IDP’s

• IDP’s registration figures/statistics in DIK/Tank, Hangu/Kohat, Jalozai, Wali-kandow (Dir-L) were shared with the participants.

• UNICEF, OXFAM, IRC, WHO and IRD are responding to IDP’s in DIK and Tank but their efforts are not very well coordinated. It was decided that the frequency of coordination meetings there should be increased and WASH partners working there must ensure attending the district level coordination meeting. Similar meetings should also be stared in Tank.

• In Hangu the Mohammad Khwaja camp is being provided WASH services by UNICEF IP. WASH Cluster is also looking into possible interventions for IDP’s in host communities in Kohat. For IDP’s in host communities in Hangu ICRC/PRCS will be consulted for any WASH needs.

• Meeting requested WASH partners to help in establishing WASH coordination forum in Kohat to coordinate the efforts.

• No specific issue was reported from Jalozai camp.

• Concerns were raised by various Cluster members on the unilateral decision of the Government to shift Munda Camp to a new location (near Wali Kandaw). W.H.O. was requested to ensure sharing of weekly DEWS reports.

Action Points: WHO to share DEWS report regularly.

WASH Cluster Coordinator to take up the issue of Munda Camp in ICCM and with concerned authorities.
3. Early Recovery

• The meeting discussed response of different partners to early recovery in MKD Division with special focus on restoration of WASH services.

• Deputy Director Water and Sanitation (Mr. Ishrat Ali) attended the meeting on special request and informed the WASH partners regarding the response position and urgent needs in remote areas of District Swat. He emphasized the need for sharing the work plan prior to implementation of activities by NGO’s. He informed that so far very little has been done and very few NGO’s have bothered to prepare and share their plans with PHED (being the focal point in the District). Most of the NGO’s are concentrating on the urban areas of Minogra and adjacent areas and the remote areas of upper swat are still not accessed by the NGO’s. He also questioned the quality of certain works executed particularly the installation of shallow hand pumps and low cost latrines. He also revealed that seldom a water quality test is conducted prior to execution of DWSS.

• It was decided that the PHED in consultation wit Local Government would chalk out their prioritized plan of action to lead and guide the NGO’s for undertaking more urgently needed projects. NGO’s were also directed to ensure effective and timely consultations with PHED and TMA’s for better working relationship.
Action Points: All WASH partners to prepare and share their plan with the District WASH focal point on priority basis.
4. Saudi Funding/PHRP

• Saudi funds are yet to be received.

• PHRP has been approved by the Federal Government and is due to be launched soon.

• Local Government NWFP can seek funding for DWSS Pir Baba scheme (previously assigned to OXFAM) from PaRRSA, as Saudi funds position is not yet confirmed.
Action Point: LGRDD to apply seek funding through Government sources for WSS Pir Baba.
5. AOB.

• WASH partners were requested to share their communication messages for dissemination through FM Radio and other channels by IOM focal point for communication.

• The Cluster discussed preparation of Contingency plan for drought and any other anticipated Emergency.

• After seeking views from WASH partners regarding the Provincial Government’s request for WASH cluster meetings also to be convened in Peshawar, it was agreed that WASH Cluster meetings in Peshawar will be restarted (while the Islamabad level meetings will also continue). Date and time for WASH Cluster meeting in Peshawar will be communicated later.

• All partners were requested to share their progress reports of intervention and ensure attending the field coordination meetings.