WASH Cluster Meeting Minutes-19-05-2010

WASH Cluster Meeting Minutes:

Date : 19/05/2010

Venue: UNICEF Country Office Islamabad.

In the meeting Following points were discussed.

• Mohmand Agency Assessment:

o First draft of preliminary assessment will be shared with the cluster within a week’s time. According to the preliminary findings there are 169 WSS owned by the government 24 WSS are damaged out of it. The assessment team is making an estimated cost analysis for rehabilitation of the damaged WSS and construction of new ones.

o Paiman and UNSDP showed interest in working in Mohmand Agency and they are already working there in other clusters.

Action Point: Share Draft preliminary assessment of Mohmand Agency with Cluster members

• Gender Task Force:

o Gender Task force emphasized on the importance of incorporating and owning Gender as an aspect while communicating on official level, reporting about projects, area or project assessments, updates of the reported projects etc.

o All the reports assessments should go through the GTF focal point before submission.

o GTF asked to design a training workshop on gender issues related to WASH activities especially for the WASH cluster. The training will be funded by WASH Cluster.

Action Point: GTF to Design a Training Workshop for WASH Cluster

• PHRP 2010:

o All the agencies should delete their projects which didn’t get funding in the previous phase and submit new ones as the probability of getting funding for those projects is very low. The Duration of the projects should be for 5 months starting from August to December 2010.

o Priority areas for PHRP funding are Mohmand Agency, DI Khan and Tank and then Swat respectively.

o Deadline for Proposal Submission is 20th May 2010. Which will be reviewed by Proposal Review Committee and then successful proposals will be submitted to HCT on 24th May 2010.

o A Proposal review committee was formed which included volunteer members from Mercy Corps, Internaltional Medical Core, Oxfam GB, Islamic Relief, NCA, and Cluster coordinator.

• Hangu and Kohat:

o Assement team will be sent to Hangu and Kohat for a detailed assessment which will be for 15 – 20 days.

o GTF is asked to send indicators for gender assessment which can be incorporated in the questionnaire for assessment.

Action Point: GTF to send Indicators for assessments

• Cluster strategy and Workplan:

o Cluster strategy and work plan is on high priority after submission of PHRP 2010. Volunteer Lead agencies will sit together to develop the plan and strategy. Those organizations include Mercy Corps, NCA, IRC, Islamic Relief and Unicef.

o This will be done after 24th May 2010.

• Project Monitoring Matrix:

o Single project monitoring matrix was shared with the cluster which was developed by OCHA, NDMA, PDMA. This Monitoring Matrix covers every monitoring agencies needs. This came as a request from the IPs to let there be only one format for reporting.

o The LEAD agencies for every funding is supposed to report on their activities to PDMA and Cluster/OCHA The IPs will send their report to the funding agency.

o The dealine for the submission of reports is 30th May.


o A training by WHO is being held in PCRWR Peshawar from 7th to 9th June on Water Testing. Cluster members are asked to submit their nominations.

o Another training from 14th -17th June is being held in UNICEF office. The training is on Cluster Coordination. Again the participants are asked to submit two nominations from lead agencies and if possible IPs will be entertained as well.

o Next meeting will take place in Peshawar on Wednesday , 26 May 2010 at LG RDD Office.


Name Organization Contact No: Email Address

Aamir Malik RAPID 0300 8381484 aamir.malik@concern.net

Syed AHMAD Ali Shah (Mr.) Social AID 0301 8383558 ahmad@socialaid.org

Amjid Mahmood Amjid Helping Hand 0334 5132871 amjid.mahmood@hhrd.org

Barkat Ali FIDA 0345 7264572 balikhan@fidapak.org

Bilal Hassan UN Habitat 0300 8505334 bilal.hassan@unhabitat.org.pk

Bushra Ghazanfar NCA 0345 8551215 bushra.ghazanfar@nca.no

Abu Sufian Human Development Program 0345 9168971 directorhdp@yahoo.com


Hina Batool Paiman Alumni Trust 0300 5566665 hina_batool@yahoo.com

Hamid OXFAM 0300 5011924 hkhan@oxfam.org.uk

Aftab Ahmed HRDS 0333 5295258 hrdsociety@yahoo.com

Iftikhar Hussain RAPID 0301 5430892 iftikhar.hussain@concern.net

Imran Munir CWS P/A 0345 9023696 Imran.munir@cwspa.org.pk

Mohammad Irfan Khan Afridi Sabaa 300 5906114 irfanafridi90@yahoo.com

Mr. Irshad Ali Handicap International 0305 9291192 irshad.khund@yahoo.co.uk

Mr. Ivano Marati Cordaid ivano.marati@cordaid.net

Kiramat Rehman Kamore Development Welfare Organization 0300 5938523 kamore_org@yahoo.com

Victor Lahai OCHA 0300 8502395 lahaiv@un.org

Mark Adams USAid/OFDA 0300 8505334 madams@usaid.gov

Manzoor Hussain Mercy Corps 0300 8564112 mhussain@pk.mercycorps.org

Mumtaz Zehri OXFAM-NoVIB 0300 85557410 mumtaz.zehri@oxfamnovib_pakistan.org

Naima Saeed Internews 0300 8507048 naima@internews.org.pk

Noman Mughal Help in need 0300 7840884 noman@helpinneed.org

Asfand Yar Paiman Alumni Trust 0300 5720644 paiman_trust@yahoo.com

Shazia Hina PRDP 0333 9393435 pakrdp1@gmail.com

Mr.Abdul Hiy ARC Pakistan 0333 4159288 qureshi@arcpakistan.org

Dr Rubina Ali NCA rubina.ali@nca.no

Rehman Ullah UNICEF 0300 5869965 rullah@unicef.org

Muhammad Shoaib International Medical Corps 0334 9411104 shoaib@imcworldwide.org.pk

Mr. Amjad Hussain LG and RDD 0301 2416074 ssjr2@yahoo.co.uk

Sultan Mahmood Islami Relief 0300 8556988 sultan.mahmood@irp.org.pk

Dr.Gulzar Hussain UNSDP-NGO 0333 9845062 unsdp.ngo@hotmail.com


Inayat Ur Rehman Secours Islamique France 0300 9040011 ur_rehman@secour-islamique.org

Usman A. Qureshi READ 0345 5339781 usman@readfoundation.org

Zulfiqar HHRD 0301 8264254 zulfiqarpak@gmail.com

Samra Hanif WASH Cluster 051 2097755 sjhanif@unicef.org

Jamal Shah WASH Cluster 0322 9916261 jshah@unicef.org