Sajjad Akbar, Said Rehman & Syed Fida Hussain Shah in WASH Cluster meeting.
2012 WASH Cluster FATA/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Meetings
2012 WASH Cluster FATA/KP Meetings
S.No | 2012 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Cluster Meetings | Meeting held on |
1 | 11th WASH Cluster FATA Meeting; 1st meeting of the year | February 15th, 2012 at 10:30 am |
2 | 12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | March 29th, 2012 at 1400 hours |
3 | 13th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | April 19th, 2012 at 10:30 am |
4 | 14th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | May 9th, 2012 at 10:30 am |
5 | 15th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | May 18th, 2012 at 09:30 am |
6 | 16th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | June 5th, 2012 at 10:00 am |
7 | 17th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | June 19th, 2012 at 10:00 am |
8 | 18th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | July 3rd, 2012 at 10:00 am |
9 | 19th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | July 17th , 2012 at 10:00 am |
10 | 20th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | August 28th,2012 at 10:00 am |
11 | 21st WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | October 18th,2012 at 10:00 am |
12 | 22nd WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting | November 15th , 2012 at 10:00 am |
Next WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on Thursday, November 15th , 2012 at 10:00 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
I am directed to refer to the subject and to inform that the 22nd WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on Thursday, November 15th , 2012 at 10:00 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. WASH Cluster partners are requested to attend the cited meeting on the date, time & venue mentioned above. The same has been uploaded on the WASH Cluster Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA web page on Pakresponse link:-
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
I am directed to refer to the subject and to inform that the 20th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 10:00 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
WASH Cluster partners are requested to attend the cited meeting on the date, time & venue mentioned above. The same has been uploaded on the WASH Cluster Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA web page on pakresponse link:-
Note to readers:
1. Please feel free to browse through the Agenda points, Minutes, Photo-gallery & Attendance of previous WASH Cluster KP/FATA Meetings on link mentioned above;
2. If you see anything missing or incorrect on link mentioned above, please send me a note with your comments / suggestions;
3. For WASH Cluster FATA/ KP tweets please Follow Us on twitter @WASHCluster
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
This message is to request nominations for membership of the WASH Cluster KP/ FATA Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) & Technical Working Groups (TWG) as decided & discussed in 19th WASH Cluster KP/ FATA meeting on 17th July, 2012 on the attached format. The SAG/ TWG will comprised of members from Government, UN, I-NGOs & N-NGOs who will represent the views of various stakeholder groups. The WASH Cluster meeting was attended by large number WASH partners including International & National NGOs, World Health Organization (W.H.O) & OCHA.
Completed nomination forms are due Friday, July 20, 2012 (12:00 Noon), return nomination forms to me on
Meeting dates for the SAG/ TWG will also be posted on WASH Cluster KP/ FATA web site:-
The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) should:-
1. Review options for WASH Cluster members (and consequently for the WASH Cluster) in terms of approaches, technical guidance and strategy and make clear recommendations– this includes emergency, stabilization, recovery and transition phases
2. Recommend standards and indicators for WASH emergency response and cross-cutting issues including accountability to beneficiaries
3. Key standards, approaches and strategies will be summarized into a Strategic Operational Framework giving reference to key documents so that all organizations both internally and externally to the WASH Cluster, can have an overview within a few pages
4. Situational analysis - reviewing the WASH Cluster Response plan, making recommendations on changes to ensure the response plan remains appropriate; review the performance of the WASH cluster in meeting its operational targets and make recommendations where this is not being met
5. Review for endorsement by the wider cluster, the work of the Technical Working Groups (TWG)
6. Analyze emergency preparedness levels, review plans and make recommendations for action
7. Identify and discuss for action, inter-sectoral issues eg contingency planning, relocation,
Mapping, analyzing and mobilizing resources for the sector as appropriate. This may include:-
- Review and recommend proposals for the ERF (Emergency Response Fund of OCHA), Flash, CERF etc. Reviews will also be made of proposals presented by donors. Where possible, this will be done within meetings, but where not, the WASH Cluster Coordination Team will prepare a review and its recommendations to the SAG. The result of the review will be communicated to the members of the SAG, but also the rest of the WASH Cluster
8. Identify and recommend capacity development needs for the sector
9. Set out communication lines between Federal, Provincial and District levels and ensure its implementation
10. Tasking and holding to account the WASH Cluster Coordination Team
11. SAG discussions will be documented and presented to the WASH Cluster regularly.
GENERIC TERMS OF REFERENCE :Technical Working Groups
• Ensure that relevant technical standards are formulated and agreed with as per terms of reference and deadline set by SAG. This includes review of existing materials and may culminate in an endorsement of existing guidelines, an addendum to existing guidelines, or production of completely new material;
• Recommend the quantity, quality, and price of materials to be produced, if applicable;
• Support the Cluster Coordinator in promoting standards within the context of the Strategic Operational Framework (SOF);
• Advise SAG on compliance issues related to application of the agreed standards;
• Update the Cluster on status of work-in-progress and present final outputs/recommendations of the TWG to Cluster stakeholders in oral and written form for feedback and comment;
• Ensure a TWG membership that is representative of the wider Cluster stakeholder groups, and ensure that relevant technical skill-sets are appropriate and available (advise the Cluster Coordinator if this is not the case);
• Set up Sub-Working Groups as required;
• Ensure all Cluster stakeholders have the opportunity to provide feedback into the work of the TWG prior to presentation to the Cluster in plenary, and SAG for ratification
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Nominations of Enumerators to Joint Assessment Roster (Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and state that forward nominations (one male and one female) for the enumerators for Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA), please revert back with details (attached format) to me at till Friday 12:00 Noon, 6th July, 2012.
Nominations should be on attached format (Excel Sheet).
Note to Readers
1.NGOs that have the potential to support in the event of the roll-out of MIRA should send nominations;
2. The nominees will be invited to the initial trainings and after passing a test at the end of the training, be admitted;
3.The invitation for the training with details will be sent to the nominated people directly;
4.Nominate the most concerned;
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Syed Fida Hussain Shah
I am directed to refer to the subject and to inform that the 16th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 at 10:00 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. WASH Cluster partners are requested to attend the cited meeting on the date, time & venue mentioned above. The same has been uploaded on the WASH Cluster Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA web page on pakresponse link:-
Note to readers:
1. Water Quality Assessment Report_ Off camp IDPS (Peshawar, Kohat & Nowshera available on link mentioned above;
2. Please feel free to browse through the Agenda points, Minutes, Photo-gallery & Attendance of previous WASH Cluster KP/FATA Meetings on link mentioned above;
3. If you see anything missing or incorrect on link mentioned above, please send me a note with your comments / suggestions;
4. For WASH Cluster FATA/ KP tweets please Follow Us on twitter @WASHCluster
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar, KPK
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM
I am directed to refer to the subject and to inform that the WASH Cluster FATA/ KP is scheduled on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM in WatSan Cell/LG & RDD, Secretariat road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. WASH Cluster partners are requested to attend the cited meeting on the date, time & venue mentioned above. The same have been uploaded on the WASH Cluster Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA web page on pakresponse link:-
For WASH Cluster FATA/ KP tweets on twitter please
Us on
twitter @WASHCluster
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Who is doing What, When and Where (4W) for Jalozai Camp & FATA/KP IDPs
I am directed to forward herewith separate copies of the REVISED templates of the 4Ws Matrix on the subject noted above for your information & submission to WASH Cluster FATA/ KPK; WASH Cluster Activity document is also attached.
2). 4Ws replies should reach within the reporting period of:-
•Tuesday, 10 April, 2012 for Jalozai IDPs Camp;
•Tuesday, 17 April,2012 for rest of KP and FATA IDPs;
3). All WASH Cluster partners having Water, Sanitation & Hygiene activities in Jalozai Camp & KP/ FATA are requested to furnish the requisite 4Ws Matrices before the deadlines.
4). Copies of 4 Ws may be forwarded to WASH Cluster -Amjad Hussain (
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Draft Minutes of 12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP Meeting
12th WASH Cluster FATA/ KP meeting was held in WatSan Cell/ LG & RDD in Peshawar on March 29th, 2012 at 1400 hours under the Co-chairmanship of Mr. Jamal Shah, WASH Cluster Coordinator FATA/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & Mr. Hikmat Sher, Design Engineer PHED FATA. The WASH Cluster Coordinator (WCC) welcomed the participants and said that WASH Cluster meeting was convened after a long time. After recitation from Holy Quran and brief introduction, agenda items were taken up for discussion;
Agenda Item 2: Update General
WASH Cluster Coordinator informed that as of the day before the total influx including Bara IDPs of displaced people was 21518 families in KP. He said that the registration point for IDPs was Jalozai Camp. He also said that it did not mean that IDPs were living in Jalozai Camp; IDPs has options either to stay in camp or go to other places of their choice. He further said that NFIs kit, food packets, hygiene kits & tents in camps were distributed amongst IDPs. He also informed that the total population of FATA & KP IDPs was 5, 60432 individuals or 1, 13907 families. He said that these figures highlight the important fact of the family size. He also said that if we divide these figures the family size come out to be 4.8. He further said & clarified that number of households may be 9 or 10 but actual family size is 4 to 5. He informed that we serve according to family size and hygiene kits were standardized according to family size.
Agenda Item 3: Update on Jalozai Influx
WASH Cluster Coordinator informed about the IDPs living in Jalozai Camp before the new influx were as: 1100 families from Bajour, 70- 80 families from Mohmand & the rest from previous displacements. He also said that 10, 796 families were registered & 400 to 500 people were getting registered daily. He concluded that these figures will increase. On the planning side he informed that the total new displacement could be 33000 families from Khyber Agency of which 12000 families may come to Jalozai Camp. UNICEF IPs was the sole WASH service providers in Jalozai. UNICEF so far provided 377 latrines, 187 wash rooms, 71 washing points, 118 water tanks and all the registered families provided with hygiene kits. Bob Bongomin Jr, WASH PM, ACF queried about gaps and plans. He was replied that funds limitations & exhaustion were the major gaps. About planning figures he told that 5000 Orakzai & 10000 Khyber IDPs were expected as shared by PDMA/FDMA in a workshop. He also said that UNICEF has funding for old case load for around 3-months. 12000 additional families was an issue and if any humanitarian agency (ies) has resources & capacity are welcomed to intervene in camps. He emphasized that if any agency has the capacity to distribute WASH NFIs in camps/ off-camps should come forward. About other camps he informed that in Togh Sarai 3638 families and in New Durrani camp 1050 families were residing and the situation is same as was. Apart from IDPs in camp in Kurram total IDPs were 45000 to 50000 including sectarian violence displaced he added. About IDPs in Tank, D.I.Khan, Kohat & Hangu he told that these IDPs are now there for the last 2 to 3 years. He informed that United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (SERF) funding was requested for these Off-camp IDPs. He also pointed out donor fatigue & mentioned that some of the Int'l NGOs were unable to get funds. He requested the forum to coordinate in the planning phase for response. Taking part in discussion CONCERN representative informed that working funds are available for Kurram Agency and are working in Swat & Kohistan. ICRC representative informed that they are working in Kohat but at present are without WASH activities. A query was made regarding IAERNA finalization; he was informed that up to 15-04-2012 it will be finalized.
Agenda Item 4: Emergency Preparedness for AWD outbreak
WASH Cluster Coordinator said that weather was getting warmer and till now we were facing Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreaks every year; Last year around 19 people died of AWD he added. He proposed emergency preparedness for AWD from May to August. He referred to PCRWR report on districts Nowshera & Charsadda & informed that high level of contamination was present in the water of these districts. He was proposing long term planning. On the part of Cluster he proposed trainings for line agencies. He requested the forum in the shape of provision of resource persons & other material help for trainings. On the trainings topics he was of the view that with water quality testing, chlorination and use of water purification tablets may be a good start. He also suggested an initial mapping exercise of NGO partners in red alert districts of KP/ FATA on basis of epidemiological data of previous years.
Action Points:
• NGOs having resource persons should contact WCC (;
• NGOs having resources/ supplies as soaps/ aqua tabs etc should contact WCC (;
• If NGOs do not have resources/ supplies still mention their presence in districts;
• WASH Cluster partners should fill the circulated template;
IRC representative mentioned that they can provide chlorine in Peshawar & Kohat.
Agenda Item 5: AoB
1. About NOC issues it was informed that OCHA was planning a detailed workshop in the 2nd week of April; interested partners should forward their names to WCC (;
2. If any WASH Cluster partner(s) want to discuss an issue they can write to WCC without any hesitation;
3. Meetings should be outcome based.
WASH CLUSTER FATA MEETING- time changed to 2 pm-29-03-2012
I am directed to inform that the 12th meeting of WASH CLUSTER FATA/KP is scheduled to be held on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 1400 hours (2 pm) under the co-chairmanship of UNICEF/ FATA PHED in the COMMITTEE ROOM (WATSAN CELL) of LG & RDD, Secretariat Road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar.
Agenda points of meeting are:
1. Introduction;
2. Update general;
3. Update on Jalozai influx;
4. Host community mapping;
5. Emergency preparedness;
6. AOB.
WASH Cluster FATA/KP partners are requested to please attend the meeting on scheduled date, time, & venue.
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
I am directed to inform that the 12th meeting of WASH CLUSTER FATA/KP is scheduled to be held on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 10.30 AM under the co-chairmanship of UNICEF/ FATA PHED in the COMMITTEE ROOM (WATSAN CELL) of LG & RDD, Secretariat Road/ Police line road, Off Khyber Road, Peshawar.
WASH Cluster FATA partners are requested to please attend the meeting on scheduled date, time, & venue.
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
(Assistant Coordinator)
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
Review of IEC Material on Key Hygiene Messages for WASH
Attached below please find a self explaintory e-mail from Dr. Wassaf Syed,WASH Officer UNICEF,14 - A Park Road University Town,Peshawar on the subject.
All the organizations are requested to share their responses with the Cluster focal point Amjad Hussain (Assisstant Coordinator WatSAN Cell/ LG & RDD) by COB Friday 02 March, 2012, (
Thanking you very much.
Amjad Hussain
LG & RDD, Peshawar
Contact# (0)-301-241-6074
--- On Mon, 27/2/12, Wassaf Syed Kakakhel
From: Wassaf Syed Kakakhel
Subject: Review of IEC Material on Key Hygiene Messages for WASH
Date: Monday, 27 February, 2012, 13:48
Dear Amjad,
As discussed, kindly circulate below email to all WASH Cluster colleagues in order to have maximum participation in developing standardize set of IEC material for promoting key hygiene behaviors.
Dear WASH Colleagues,
UNICEF is planning to review the existing IEC material that has been developed/utilized during IDP and flood emergency with the purpose to develop a standardized set of IEC material on WASH that can be used by all WASH cluster colleagues. As a primary step to this process, all WASH Cluster members are requested to kindly get feedback/responses from the hygiene promotion staff at field level on the existing IEC material with main focus on:
•To determine the extent to which the current IEC material meet the needs of intended target audience
•To assess how well current material are addressing specific health risks/threats and how well the material is perceived and persuasive among specific audience.
Organizations that had been using material (other than those developed by UNICEF) are also requested to share their feedback on the specific set of IEC material that has been declared effective in promoting key hygiene messages and bringing a positive behavior change within the specific audience. Soft copy or hard copy of that specific material would be helpful if shared along with the feedback template.
The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of IEC material should focus on the following three points: Distinctiveness, Credibility and Persuasiveness (See the details for specific point in the attached template that should be kept in mind while giving feedback).
It would be easier to group IEC materials according to key hygiene behaviors being promoted, i.e. toilet use and maintenance, hand washing, safe water handling/storage, food hygiene, environmental hygiene (waste), personal hygiene etc.
All the organizations are requested to share their responses with the cluster focal point Amjad Hussain (Assisstant Coordinator WatSAN Cell LGRDD) by COB Friday 02 March, 2012.
Looking forward for an effective/fruitful feedback.
(See attached file: IEC MATERIAL REVIEW TEMPLATE.docx)
Thanks & best regards,
Dr. Wassaf Syed
14 - A Park Road University Town
Tel: 091-5701311-5 (3195)
Cell: 0300-5963713
Fax: +92-91-5701301
For every child
Health, Education, Equality, Protection
Draft Minutes 11th WASH Cluster FATA Meeting
The 11th meeting of WASH Cluster FATA was held at WatSan Cell/ LG & RDD, Peshawar on February 15th, 2012 at 10:30 am under the co-chairmanship of Mr. Jamal Shah, FATA WASH Cluster Coordinator, Mr. Hikmat Sher, Design Engineer PHED FATA & Mr. Said Rehman, Coordinator WatSan Cell, LG & RDD. The WASH Cluster Coordinator welcomed the participants. After recitation from Holy Quran and brief introduction, agenda items were taken up for discussion;
KP/ FATA IDPs updates:
An update on the KP/ FATA situation was given by WASH Cluster Coordinator. He updated members that currently 3 IDPs camps are functional in KP & FATA, of these 2 camps Jalozai & Togh Sarai are in KP & one New-Durrani is in FATA. He informed that in Jalozai Camp IDPs has a population of 44,000 Individuals including the fresh influx from Khyber agency while Togh Sarai Camp has 1100 families from Orakzai Agency. He said that government is registering all the IDPS with an option that either live in camp or off-camp. NFIs are distributed to everyone. About New Durrani Camp in Kurram Agency he informed that 3556 families are residing in the camp. He informed that UNICEF is providing WASH services in all the 3 camps. He also informed that funding constraints has been a huge issue for last couple of months and currently funds are available until April for Jalozai & Togh Sarai camps for WASH services. About New Durrani camp he informed that funds for WASH services are available until June. He said that the nature in camps is quite different & 100 % WASH facilities has to be provided to camps residents while off- camps IDPs has different scenarios. He also said that in DIK/Tank/Kohat & Hangu around 4, 50,000 off-camps IDPS are residing. This figure may fluctuate he added.
WASH Cluster Coordinator informed that last year a WASH Cluster survey was conducted by NESPAK Consultants in 6 southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa financed by UNICEF. He told that this was a broad survey and assessment. He said that the results of this survey were presented to Donors. He briefly explained that the survey results and said that issues like Sources of Water, Water Quality, Water fetching and Water Storage Status etc were asked in the survey. He shared one of his visits experience with the forum about assessments and said that he met Orakzai IDPs in Kohat & said that all IDPs thought soap was a luxury & they could not afford it. He was of the view that normally the survey results did not reflect an issue but still the issue is there. He referred to the AWD and said that in cold weather it’s normally un-noticed but in summers it’s a huge issue meaning that water quality is all round the year is an issue but surveys & assessments in the months of January/ February did not reflect it. He informed that Donors normally ask the evidence. He also informed that IDPs normally move from one place to another and year old assessment do not remain valid. Assessments are important tools for any area issues and should be meaningful he added. He mentioned that any assessment should include the current status of services? What are problems/ or issues? And how much funding is required to rectify the issues? He said that IRC-IVAP has conducted an assessment & want to utilize its WASH portion. A query was made about the guidelines for an assessment. He was replied that guidelines are normally generalized information’s and every area/ place has its own specific issues, e.g., an assessment recommends hand pumps in a certain area & hand pumps are not suitable there as we seen in flood disasters that contaminated water was available through hand pumps in a few districts. He also said that articulate WASH needs in assessments. Another point was made regarding the assessments in FATA that security agencies normally did not understand the assessments surveys & organizations are asked to submit their assessments.
IVAP presentation:
Mr. Moiz Ahmed gave a presentation on IVAP. The following points were discussed:
• IVAP achievements;
• IVAP Data Set;
• Current needs of IDPs families in WASH;
• WASH needs of returnees;
• Water availability & water fetching;
He told the forum that all information relating to IVAP is available on website
He also informed the forum that after registering with IVAP on website the users can generate reports according to their needs.
It was acknowledged that IVAP has useful data and priority areas e.g. no water areas should be prioritized from IVAP, similarly areas with 1st need water should also be prioritized from IVAP.
A view was raised that if IVAP data could be converted to GIS. On this point red alert areas from IVAP co-related to DEWS & epidemiological data analysis from BHUs was discussed. Miss Irum of IVAP suggested that IVAP will provide the data & mapping should be done by WASH Cluster. She also pointed out the issue of 10,000 IDPs recognized by Govt/UNHCR for WASH services. IVAP also requested the forum for help in security inaccessible areas. KADO informed the forum that 5 staff members were allowed for Hangu with IVAP team and all possible support was extended.
1. The forum participants were asked about the frequency of the meetings whether it should be a regular feature or issue based meetings. It was decided that it should issue based meetings & when need arise WASH partners will intimate the Cluster Coordinator to convene a meeting.
2. Mr. Arif Nawaz, Program Officer WASH, RAPID Fund, CONCERN Worldwide informed the forum about the RAPID Fund Call for Proposals.
3. Mr. Tariq Khattak, UWOCD informed the forum about the WASH needs in the neglected areas of Tehsil Mamond.
4. NOC vetting issues were highlighted by Mr. Mukhtar & Mr. Ishfaq of IRC & queried about their NOC vetting for district Dir Lower. Action Point: Mr. Jamal Shah to discuss the IRC NOC issue with PDMA.
Meeting ended with vote of thanks.