Draft Minutes of 4th WASH Field Coordination Meeting
LASOONA, Saidu Sharif, Swat. Dated 10/12/2009

The 4TH meeting of WASH Cluster Field Coordination Swat was held on 10-12-2009 at 11:30 AM in the Head Office of NNGO LASOONA Saidu Sharif Swat. The Meeting was Chaired by Mr. Ishrat Ali Divisional Director PHED & was Co-Chaired by Mr. Nek Alam, Project Manager (Mercy Corps). The meeting was started with recitation from the Holy Quran by Hafiz Eid Muhammad of CRDO and was followed by a brief introduction of all participants......

The formal discussion of the meeting was started by reviewing the previous minutes of the meeting. Following matters came under discussion:

· Importance of ensuring timely submission of work planes,

· Mentioning particular activity in a UC,

· Avoiding duplication of activities by mutual coordination,

· Timely updating in 3 W Matrix,

· Submitting future plans of six months in advance with scope of work and committed budget/schemes,

· Bringing duplication cases to cluster meeting if mutually not resolved,

Few apprehension of line department:

o Most of the NGOs making intervention in the urban areas where as the remote rural areas are left unattended.

o A number of organizations are making assessments but practical work is not apparent to the public.

o Some of the NGOs do not stick to the time line initially they set in the earlier cluster meeting.

Action Point:

The Chair Mr. Ishrat Ali requested all participants to speed up the pace of work on wash projects to give access to water supply and sanitation facilities to the people in need.

PHED Request:

Representative of PHED requested for the following facilities to strengthen the capacities:

· Institutional Support;

· Engineering tools and equipments,

· Laptops and computers,

· Establishment of water testing labs,

· Provision of engineering Soft wares and trainings.

Progress Update:

All the participating organizations shared their progress in the meeting in the presence of Line Department and different comments, suggestion and instructions took place accordingly.

LASOONA: (In Partnership with Oxfam GB)

Progress update of LASOONA;

UCs of intervention;

Malookabad, Rahimabad, Amankot, Qambar and Saidusharif.


§ Capacity building of TMA Staff,

§ Hygiene promotion training of LHW, LHV and teachers

§ Cleaning campaigns,

§ 110 of 147 water supply schemes are completed.

Action points:

Lasoona and TMA Mingora to figure out responsibilities per MOU and perform accordingly.

Progress update of ARC:

§ Number of hand pumps 147

§ Waste bins 203

§ W.Com.Str. 82

§ Total latrines 350

§ Repair of Latrines 182

§ Incinators installed 6

§ Tap stands 22

Co-chair raised the issue of building waste bins but not looking into possibility of ultimate disposal.

Action point:

ARC to coordinate with other NGOs to avoid duplication of same activities in similar activities. ARC also to speak to union council secretary, local community and/or TMO for periodic disposal of waste from the waste bins.

Progress update of PAKCDP (In partnership with NCP)
UCs of Intervention:
Kota, Barikot, Tindodag, Ghalegay


§ Social Mobilization on going

§ Total Hand Pumps 60

§ Communal latrines 600

§ Operation and maintenance training is part of intervention

§ Water quality testing through PCSWR

Action point:

Duplication issues to be resolved with ARC etc.

Progress update of Qatar Charity:

Qatar Charity was requested to share their work plan.

Progress update of IMC:

(Information to be provided in the next meeting)

CRDO (In Partnership with Care International):

UCs of Intervention:

Free medical Camps onganizd in Charbagh, Barabandai, Taligram
Action Point:

To coordinate with PHED to explore wash interventions.

Progress update of Muslim Aid:

Muslim Aid has just started their activities in Swat and has proposed their activities for the UCs in proximity of urban areas.
Sanitation 7
Water Supply 7
Hygiene Sessions 7

The Chair suggested that Muslim Aid may select an area for intervention where other organizations may not be implementing the same activities.

Progress update of HOPE’ 87:

UCs of intervention;
Charbagh, Gulibagh

o Hygiene Promotion through hygiene promoters underway

o Rehabilitation of communal toilets 160

o Rehabilitation of school toilet 40

o Identification of 4200 house hold completed for distribution of hygiene kits and water storage equipments

Progress update of EPS:

UCs of intervention;
Band and Pand Gulkada

o Total latrines designed for disable person 300

o Identified cases are under construction 147

o Completed latrines 52


EPS should look in to possibility of extending this activity to the rest of UCs

Other organizations may coordinate in identification of deserving disable community with EPS and incorporate this component into their latrine interventions.

Progress update of ACTED:

UCs of intervention;
Landikas, Shahdara, Ghalegay, Tindodag, Barikot

o Construction of 108 latrines in 24 schools in which approximately 50% are new construction and 50% is rehabilitation.

o Solid Waste Management at 74 mega sites including cleaning and protection walls. More than half of the activity is completed.

o Cleaning and drainage completed at 48 sites

o Hygiene promotion kits distributed among 3300 house holds and conducted hygiene promotion sessions.

o Installation of 48 hand pumps completed.

o Rehabilitation of Pump House at Manyar to be started after 15th of December.


Organizations having water testing capacity may help our office in water samples testing i.e. especially at schools.

Progress update of Mercy Corps:

Total UCs in Urban = 9, Rural=16

o Motorized schemes tendered for Urban area = 10 (contract signed with contractor)

o Replacement of Motorized schemes finalized in Rural area = 23

o Hand pumps finalized in rural areas = 91

o Work started on hand pumps = 31

o Gravity schemes finalized in rural areas = 11

o Water samples tested = 49

Water Quality:

Mercy Corps and Oxfam/LASOONA offered its water quality testing lab for organizations which might be in need of testing water samples

World Health Organization:

o Water quality kits to be imported from England.

o Total Consultation 28320

o ARI cases 37

o Bloody diarrhea 1%

o Acute Diarrhea 7%

o Total Consultation 28320

Data available about diseases in different UCs which could be coordinated with the organizations interested for WASH intervention in different UCs.

The Chair and Co-Chair thanked Lasoona for arrangement made for the meeting and participants for actively participation to make the meeting productive.

It was agreed that cluster meeting would be held on monthly basis rather than bi monthly as there was a proposal from some of the participants.

Date & Venue of next WASH field coordination meeting Swat will be e-mailed to all cluster members in due time.