Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster
Meeting Minutes
Date: 11:00, 27th November 2009, UNICEF, Pakistan Country Office, Islamabad
1. Update on the current situation:
· Significant displacement continues from Bajour, Orazkai, Khyber and South Waziristan. Populations are passing into and through Lower Dir, Kohat, Lakki Marwat and Bannu in addition to other settled districts.
Meeting Minutes
Date: 11:00, 27th November 2009, UNICEF, Pakistan Country Office, Islamabad
1. Update on the current situation:
· Significant displacement continues from Bajour, Orazkai, Khyber and South Waziristan. Populations are passing into and through Lower Dir, Kohat, Lakki Marwat and Bannu in addition to other settled districts.
· Camps: Jalozai camp has seen an influx of an additional approximate 3,000 families to date from this new predominantly Bajour displacement. The Government also intends to shift Kacha Garhi populations into Jaloza beginning on December 1st. An additional camp (re-setting up of Khungi) in Lower Dir may also begin to accommodate the displaced closer to their points of origin. ICRC and authorities are in discussion on this. Action Point: UNICEF with partners, including OXFAM, HDOD, etc. are prepared to deal with the new influx into Jalozai and the shifting of Kacha Garhi. ICRC will follow with update on Khungi.
· Action Point: the Cluster along with CCCM is also advocating with HC and the Policy Strategy Meeting with GOVernment counterparts the need to delay the shifting of Kacha Garhi at least a couple of weeks to deal with the newly displaced.
2. Waziristan Response
· Though official registration has been stopped, opportunities for those not registered to redress any greieveances does exist. The verification process is bringing down the number by approximately 30% of which 25% has been duplication.
· Jamal Shah took part in inter-cluster mission to DI Khan last week. Overall WASH response is on track and the response is well perceived by government
· Waziristan matrix shared for information along with current figures and achievements. More detailed planning to take place once UNHCR shareds UC-wise breakdown of location of IDPs. UNICEF is currently conducting an assessment with government counterparts and will share the results with the Cluster. Likewise OXFAM will also share the results of their assessment(s). The Cluster will then need to ensure that needs in Ucs with the highest displaced are prioritized.
· Currently UNICEF, OXFAM and IRD are active with local partners. IRC should be active in the coming weeks.
· NOCs to international NGOs: the issues still requires clarification. The Government of NWFP and SSG are willing to give NOCs to limited numbers with some operational requirements, however there is some disagreement within government that is holding up NOCs to a few key agencies. This matter will be taken up the HC.
· McRAM: the Cluster discussed whether the McRAM would be useful at this time due to the limited information/feedback from community and household level. No clear decision from the Cluster on this. Action Point: The Cluster to schedule a review of the WASH questionnaire in January.
· Funding: Action Point: UNICEF, OXFAM and IRD, if in need of funding for urgent life-saving activities in response to the S. Waziristan displacement are requested to submit some bullet points and budgetary requirements for the next one month for compilation by the Cluster. Please submit to jshah@unicef.org. This will then be shared with key donors.
3. PHRP 2010 Update/Saudi/DFID funding
· PHRP 2010 planned launching scheduled for the second week of December. Discussions with senior level government counterparts are still ongoing. WASH has not had any feedback regarding specific projects which means all are tentatively ok thus far. Any update will be provided.
· Saudi Funds: The WASH Cluster is benefitting from 8.3M USD from the Saudi government that will be made available in two tranches for programming over a 180 day period. The money will be transferred to Cluster agencies via UNICEF. Project Cooperation Agreements (PCAs) with UNICEF for this funding are under finalization so that there will be no delay in transfer of funds to WASH agencies. Action Point: Cluster lead will provide further feedback on tentative arrival of funds once available.
· DFID has also provided additional funding to WASH. Mercy Corps and MuslimAid will benefit from this funding under bilateral agreements with DFID.
4. Coordination Structure: District WASH focal points and information management
Revised coordination structure, approved by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), is attached for reference. Note that Cluster meetings in Peshawar will discontinue due to security, however the Cluster will still need to coordination with provincial counterparts. General District coordination meetings have also been established in Lower Dir, Swat and Buner.
Suggestion for WASH Coordination:
The Cluster lead (Jamal Shah) or a advisory group can continue to meet with NWFP government counterparts to ensure adequate coordination.
District level mechanisms to be strengthened. Government WASH coordination focal points at district level, supported by UNICEF, exist and corresponding humanitarian agency focal points for these districts are required. Mercy Corps is committeed for District Swat. Action Point: Agencies interested in being focal point(s) for Lower Dir and Buner to reply to jshah@unicef.org. UNICEF as Cluster lead will arrange for a training/meeting, subject to security, to brief all involved on the Cluster and district, provincial and federal level coordination roles.
Action Point: Draft TORs for district, provincial and federal level meetings exist as part of WASH Cluster Strategy. Cluster lead to review and revise and share with Cluster in next meeting.
Federal Cluster meetings will be held bi-weekly. Tenatively every other Monday. Date and time of next meeting to be confirmed by Cluster lead. Suggestion that one meeting per month incorporate larger number of government counterparts to ensure continuation of good coordination with counterparts.
Dicussion regarding next steps, which include the need for impact monitoring on behalf of the Cluster. Action Point: UNICEF to review options to ensure monitoring structure for the Cluster and share in next meeting.
5. AOB
· OCHA 3Ws: WASH will aim to ensure that the contents/requirements of this matrix are included in the WASH overall matrix so that agencies do not have to double report. However Cluster specific requirements means that the OCHA 3W matrix does not meet the reporting requirements of the Cluster and the WASH specific matrix is still required. Recruitment of a replacement for Elizabeth Marasco is ongoing, in the meantime support will be provided by mmaslam@unicef.org. 3W updates should be sent directly to him and copied to jshah@unicef.org.
· OCHA OneReponse Website: OCHA development of one response website underway. Mission to arrive in Pakistan next week to support review of Cluster requirements. Agencies interested to take part of initial discussion with this mission on WASH Cluster page requirements are UNICEF, World Vision and Islamic Relief.
· WASH Cluster Response Review: As per the WASH Cluster Improvement Plan, a review of the WASH Cluster response to the emergency was planned for November 2009. This has been delayed due to security and is now rescheduled for Jan-Feb 2010. A review team of 4 people is required (1 government, 2 NGOs and 1 UNICEF) is required for this with a committement of 5 working days to conduct the review. The criteria for team selection includes the following:
§ Have experience or ability in conducting reviews/analysis and reporting writing
§ Have not been too closely involved in the response, i.e. don't have close personal interests and can form an objective view
§ Will be able and willing to take learning back into WASH cluster and potentially influence change Have experience or ability in conducting reviews/analysis and reporting writing
§ Are available for 6 days at the time we choose to do this work
§ Have not been too closely involved in the response, i.e. don't have close personal interests and can form an objective view
§ Will be able and willing to take learning back into WASH cluster and potentially influence change
· Action Point: Agencies interested in being part of review team to provide names to jshah@unicef.org by next Cluster meeting.
· Civil / Military Coordination: Draft document under development to be shared with the Cluster for information. Concerns by agencies reqarding suggestions for revision of beneficiaries based on affiliation should be communicated to the Protection Cluster: Action Cluster Lead and Individual Agencies.
· WHO/HOPE ’87: WHO has committed to provided detailed information on distribution of aquatabs provided by HOPE ’87 in the affected areas. Details not shared. Action Point: WHO requested to share by 28th November 2009 detailed distribution undertaken.
· Agencies are reminded to review the document circulated and provide comments to jshah@unicef.org, by COB Friday December 5th on the draft 2010 WASH Cluster strategy.
· Please note the Asiya Chaudhry (aashrafchaudhry@unicef.org) will be on extended leave starting 1st December 2009. All Cluster related activities will be lead at provincial and federal level by Jamal Shah (jshah@unicef.org). UNICEF WASH Programme related dicussion at the federal level will be handled by Annmarie Swai (aswai@unicef.org). Please communicate directly with them.
The next meeting of the WASH Cluster is tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 7th, 2009, time to be communicated, at the UNICEF Islamabad office.
· Reminder that the Government website: http://www.helpidp.org/ contains updated information on numbers, needs and other information and Cluster specific information is being updated on http://unportal.un.org.pk/, link to Humanitarian Affairs and then WASH Cluster.
Participating Agencies/Donors: Islamic Relief, UNICEF, UNHABITAT, ACTED, OXFAM GB, HRDS, IOM, HOPE ’87, CRS, HI, Mercy Corps, NCA, Solidarites, WHO, World Vision